We believe that God, who is Love, is at the heart of the world.
We believe that we are meant by God to live a life of love,
sharing God’s gifts,
caring for God’s world.
We believe that Jesus is God living with us,
showing God’s way of loving in a human life.
We believe that Jesus shows us
that although we do wrong things
we are still accepted and loved by God.
We believe that Jesus died, a cruel death on a cross,
to show this truth to us and all the world
We believe that Jesus rose from death, by God’s power,
to show that love is stronger than hate,
and life is stronger than death.
We believe that God’s Spirit is alive now,
calling each of us, and every person
to join the people who follow Jesus, to carry on his work,
and make the world as God wants it to be.
So we give ourselves to God.